Monday, 4 August 2014

Lessons for Schools in Asset Tracking

While preparing for the new school year ahead many schools will be reviewing their assets and equipment. Sadly during this process many schools will fine missing or damaged items that will need replacing.

While planning assets and equipment for the coming year it make sense to also look at ways to reduce assets being damaged or lost to minimise the cost of future replacement and maximise what are often very tight budgets.

Clear asset identification

A sensible first step is to look for ways to mark all school assets and equipment to clearly identify them as belonging to the school. Such asset marking helps discourage items from being misplaced or stolen, but only as long as the marking is clear and permanent.

Using quality asset labels or identification plates can be extremely useful in this regard plus they also allow for additional information to be associated with the item.
asset labels for school equipment

Tracking and tracing assets

By adding a bar code, sequential numbering or QR code for smaller items schools can also track additional key pieces of information including:
·         Who is responsible for each asset
·         Where each asset should be located
·         Condition and maintenance details
·         Lifetime costs associated with the asset

Holding this additional information helps schools maintain proper chains of responsibility, these help to reduce assets being damaged or misappropriated.

The right asset label in the right place

Just as the assets within a school will range in size and type so a different appropriate asset label or plate will be required to mark each item. Schools should consider using a range of asset labels tailored to the assets and equipment needing to be tracked.

Talking to an expert like Dantech can help schools find the right asset labels and marking products for them. Visit ID Asset Labels or call 01354 688 488 for free advice and support.