Monday 31 October 2016

UV security marking for businesses

UV Marking

 What is UV marking?

UV marking is a technique that’s used in many industries to protect assets, money and documents. It uses an invisible substance, usually ink, to stencil on or write down important information that can only be seen under a special UV light.

The UV ink dries invisible, meaning that only the original owner knows it’s there and makes it easier to track items no matter where they end up. Many companies choose to use a combination technique of asset labelling and UV marking to ensure they have the ultimate protection for their goods.

Below, we look at three ways UV security marking can help your business stay protected.

1. UV as a deterrent

UV security marking combines a visible asset label with UV ink for two layers of protection. Whilst a security asset label is often enough of a deterrent for thieves, businesses can add to this by displaying a UV security warning on labels. This lets thieves know they can’t simply remove the tag to get rid of the evidence.

Whilst it might seem counterintuitive to some to make the presence of UV marking known, it can be a highly effective deterrent to any ‘chancers’ that might consider stealing your assets on a whim.

2. Tracking of stolen goods

If you don’t like the idea of announcing the presence of invisible ink on your assets, you can keep your UV security marking a secret and use it to track your goods, should they be stolen. Most security labels are designed to shatter into pieces should a removal attempt take place, so it’s quite difficult for thieves to get past this initial stage.

However, should a label be fully removed, the UV security marking will remain in its place. This makes it quicker and easier to detect your companies stolen goods and return them to you promptly.

3. For better inventories

Whilst UV security mark labels are excellent as protection from theft, they are also great for creating a top-notch inventory. One of the biggest problems faced by businesses in not being able to track missing items due to a badly organised inventory – or even no inventory at all.

By using UV asset labelling alongside an online tracking system, you can quite easily track your goods as they move around your office or warehouse. A tidy inventory is particularly important in organisations like schools and hospitals, where equipment and assets are frequently being moved from room to room.

If your assets are worth stealing, then they’re worth protecting, so don’t leave it to chance.

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