Thursday, 22 December 2016

4 uses for tamper evident materials

asset lableing 
Tamper evident material has a number of uses in the office, in warehouses and in customers’ homes. It plays a vital role in keeping both people and products safe and could potentially save your business a lot of money.

This article explores the many uses of tamper evident materials and how they could help your business to protect its most valuable assets.

Prevent electrical tampering

Stopping electrical asset tampering is an important issue many businesses face. Keeping equipment safe for customers and staff members should be a number one priority, especially in sectors that deal with medical equipment and customer products (such as mobile phones, laptops, etc.).

By securing equipment with tamper evident labels, particularly those small enough to use over screws, employees can be certain whether or not equipment has been altered in some way.


Stop product swapping

Another benefit for the electronics industry is that tamper evident materials can prevent product swapping by untrustworthy customers. With void tamper labels, you can clearly see when a box has been opened, making it easier to decide whether or not a product has been swapped for another.

Unfortunately, this practice is something that’s becoming an increasing problem within the industry, as more customers buy and return their electronic devices online. By protecting your assets with tamper evident technology, you could potentially save yourself thousands of pounds in swapped or damaged goods.

tamper evident materials

Easier theft detection

No one likes to think about having their assets stolen but unfortunately, it can occur from time to time. Therefore, it’s still important to implement a solution to help make the situation less painful should it happen to you.

Whilst tamper evident labels aren’t going to help the authorities find stolen good any quicker, they can make the return process easier. Tamper evident material never comes off in one piece, which makes it easier for lost property to find its way back to you once it has been retrieved.

Unless you’re unlucky to encounter a very determined thief, most of your company name or serial numbers should be intact.


Supply chain protection

Supply chains can be busy and complicated, meaning products can change hands several times before reaching a customer. To minimise the risk of products being lost or put into circulation with damaged parts, tamper evident material can be used. Tamper asset labels aren’t only there to stop unauthorised access, they can be used to deter unlawful asset transfers and sift out damaged goods from supply chains too.

It only takes one dishonest person in a vast supply chain to cause significant financial damage to your business, which is why a small expense now could save you from a much larger one in the future.

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