Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Asset Tags - Asset Protection That Pays For Itself

What is the most cost effective way of stopping the misplacement of valuable equipment?

Protect you equipment and assets!
A recent school research project found that in over four fifths of schools each year at least one item of value goes “missing”. The survey, conducted by the School of Education Administration and Management, found that a substantial number of these “losses” originated from the ICT department.

This clearly highlights the high vulnerability of ICT equipment to theft and loss in schools and that steps do need to be taken to reduce these losses.

It is clear that any workable asset tracking solution will need:
  • to actually reduces the level of items that go missing
  • aiding the recovery of these items
  • be cost effective 

Asset tags are a great security marking solution as when everyone can see that equipment is being tracked, there is a strong disincentive for the equipment to be “borrowed” without permission. 

A key benefit of asset tags is that the cost of using them is very cost effective and is far cheaper than replacing lost equipment each year. In addition schools are required to show proof of depreciation of assets, and having an asset tracking program in place will help schools keep an accurate record of the condition of their equipment ensuring this process runs smoothly. 

Asset tags and school insurance

Tracking your assets with asset tags also reduces questions from insurers and can even help to reduce your premiums as your insurance company can sees that the school is taking the issue of asset protection seriously.

Asset tag materials and properties.

Asset tags can be printed on a range of materials from polyester to aluminium and may include a barcode with a readable number or a readable asset number only. As the asset tag labels cannot be removed from one item and placed on another, you inhibit the use of the trick in which the label from a low-cost item is removed and put on a high cost item.  

The thought of the thief is that when the high-cost item is “lost”, no one will worry too much, as the system shows it as a low-cost item.  Now that problem is avoided.

Expert asset tagging and marking advice

Dantech are specialists in asset tags and can help you to find the right asset tag labels for your specific requirements. For more information visit http://www.idassetlabels.co.uk for free and unbiased help and advice.

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