Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Why use Asset Labels?

All organisations have a number of valuable assets that need to be managed and protected. One of the best ways to due this is by using asset labels or tags. 

By attaching a individually numbered or barcoded asset label to each item you can easily keep track of each item using asset management software. The asset numbers are stored in an asset register which allows you to track and monitor all your equipment condition, location and value.

Key reasons for using asset labels

Some of the key reasons for using asset labels include:

  • Asset labels deter thieves. Potential thieves will be able to see that you track and monitor your equipment and therefore are less likely to risk stealing it.
  • Easy equipment audits. Barcode labels and asset tracking software makes it quick and easy to do an asset audit.
  • Locate assets quickly. Avoid wasting company time looking for misplaced assets and equipment or, worse, replacing equipment only to find out later that you had the items all along but couldn't locate it.
  • Easily manage assets on loan. If you have equipment that you loan out, using asset labels makes co-ordinating very simple. At any time the co-ordinator will know where an item is and also how many items are available.
  • Tell assets apart. If you have many identical looking items, it can be difficult trying to keep track of each individual item. This can be a problem with, for example, school equipment such as musical instruments. Using asset labels with a number will simplify this process.
  • Proof of ownership. It's important to remember that some insurance companies insist on seeing proof of ownership of business items. An asset register can provide this.
Asset label benefits
  • Asset labels are an investment which can save your company money in the short and long term. You'll waste less time and money on looking for equipment and replacing items that are lost or stolen.
  • Asset labels prevent theft and item swapping. Labels are available which leave a VOID mark if removed, making stolen or swapped goods pretty much useless in terms of being sold on.
  • Asset labels are suitable for all types of assets and equipment in all sectors. This includes schools, private companies, government organizations, manufacturing plants and warehouses.
  • Asset labels include company name and can also include with your company's logo, making your equipment instantly recognisable.

Dantech is a leading provider of asset labels. Our knowledge is extensive and our customers include companies, schools and universities, health sector organizations, the police, local and central governments, as well as manufacturing plants and warehouses. Call 01354 688 488 or visit http://www.idassetlabels.co.uk for more information.

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