Thursday, 21 March 2013

Keeping Track of Tablets

When a tablet goes missing, how do you know which is which?

There are two issues relating to the increased use of tablets in the workplace. One is that the rate as which tablet use is increasing and second the number of times these items are mislaid, lost or stolen.
By their nature small and portable equipment can be easily lost or mislaid. In reality only a tiny minority of tablet computers may actually be stolen.
What happens is that a person in the company legitimately is loaned a tablet, but then subsequently this is lost or becomes hard to locate, so the employee borrows another tablet.
Does the company have accurate records of which item has been lost and are sufficient security markings in place for each tablet to aid recovery of the lost item? Should this be a reoccurring situation would you be able to trace the source back to an employee or employees i.e. the same employee losing equipment or different employees are mislaying items.

Problems security marking tablets

Tablets are invariably made of either aluminium or hard plastic with a cured paint to make it hard and scratch-proof. This makes putting identification marks on the tablet computers difficult, because you simply can’t 'etch' anything into aluminium or hard plastics as they do not have a porous surface.
One security marking solution is to use an aluminium trakaplate which, because of the thickness and strong adhesive that they use, are near impossible to remove. In fact, the only way you could get such an identification label off would be to lever it off with a screwdriver – which is extremely hard to do.

An alternative product is ID Silver Mark labels. These security labels are precision cut stencils which can include your company name. The labels are then painted with UV ink to provide a pertinent security marking that lasts even if the label is removed.
If you have tablets or similar objects of value in your organisation investing in quality security marking will ensure you can track, trace and protect these valuable assets.
For free and unbiased help and advice on selecting the best security marking or asset labelling solutions call Dantech on 01354 688 488 or visit

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